August 14, 2014 – Internationally renowned energy expert Amory Lovins will speak at two benefits for the Western Slope Conservation Center on Saturday, September 13th. Mr. Lovins’ first talk will include a limited-seating dinner, followed later in the evening by a public lecture at the Paradise Theater.
Mr. Lovins is a consulting physicist, Chief Scientist, and Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Rocky Mountain Institute, an “independent, entrepreneurial, nonprofit think-and-do tank.” He is widely acknowledged to be one of the world’s most forward-thinking scientists on energy and integrative architectural design, as well as among the world’s leading authorities on energy and its links with resources, security, economy, development and the environment. In 2009, Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He has advised industries around the world, as well as the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense. A Harvard and Oxford dropout, he has won numerous distinguished fellowships, been awarded 12 honorary doctorates, and held visiting posts at 10 universities. Currently, he is Professor of Practice at the Naval Postgraduate School, and an advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations. Mr. Lovins has written 31 books and more than 500 publications spanning many disciplines.
Join Mr. Lovins and the Conservation Center for dinner and the first of his public talks at 5 pm at Wisehart Springs Inn, an innovative, hand-crafted “castle” on Pitkin Mesa. Following dinner, Lovins will present “Transforming China’s Energy System,” a personal look at China’s energy practices and needs, including observations from his numerous trips to China. Dinner will be prepared by local favorite, Chef Megan MacMillan of North Fork Food, featuring a local lamb entrée from Desert Weyr Farms, making it one of Delta County’s popular Local Harvest “Farm to Table” events. Seasonal local vegetables, dessert and local wine are included, and a vegetarian option is available. Tickets are $100 per person and include the dinner and wine, Lovins’ talk, and a reserved seat for Lovins’ second talk later that evening. The dinner event will conclude in time for guests to attend his second public lecture. Seating is limited, so make reservations today by 1) buying tickets online at www.theconservationcenter.org; 2) calling the Conservation Center at 527-5307; or 3) dropping by the Conservation Center office at 204 Poplar in Paonia.
Mr. Lovins second talk will be a public lecture at 7:30 pm at the Paradise Theater. He will speak about his book, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era. Built on the Rocky Mountain Institute’s 30 years of research and work in the field, Reinventing Fire maps pathways for running a much larger U.S. economy by 2050 but needing no oil, coal or nuclear energy. President Bill Clinton has lauded the book as a “wise, detailed and comprehensive blueprint.” Tickets for the Paradise Theater talk are $20 per person and are available online at www.theconservationcenter.org. Get your tickets early before they sell out.Category: