April 1, 2014 – In March the Western Slope Conservation Center completed a river restoration project that created new fish habitat and improved river health on the North Fork at the Paonia River Park. The project created a low-flow river channel, pools, and boulder clusters that will [...]
April 17, 2014 – Every May for the last fifteen years people have flocked from all over the North Fork, the Western Slope, and beyond, to float the river in support of local watershed conservation. The Western Slope Conservation Center’s Annual River Awareness Float Trip Fundraiser is one [...]
June 24, 2014 – The Paradise Theatre in Paonia re-opened its doors three weeks ago after months of renovations and equipment upgrades and is now beginning to fill its calendar for the summer. One of the first major programs will be a summer documentary film series in partnership with the [...]
June 25, 2014 – Hundreds of cars rolled through the County Fairgrounds parking lot in Hotchkiss on Saturday, June 14, to unload what amounted to 19,854 pounds of unwanted electronics. In just four hours, televisions the size of truck beds, dinosaur computer monitors, boxes of broken cell [...]
New Clean Air Rules Proposed for the Oil and Gas Industry Will Help Protect Air Quality in Delta County But Oil and Gas Lobby Groups and Some Western Slope Counties are Opposing the New Regulations! BACKGROUND Governor Hickenlooper has proposed strong statewide air quality safeguards for the oil [...]
Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (“ACEC”) are areas where special management attention and practices is needed to protect and prevent irreparable harm to important historic, cultural, or scenic values, fish and wildlife resources or other natural systems or processes, or to [...]
April 1, 2013 – Now that we have successfully stopped the lease sale, the time has come to join together to make sure that the BLM puts strong, protective and updated management in place through the new Resource Management Plan. Click here to support the North Fork Alternative! This spring, [...]
Encourage Congress to protect our air, water, and spectacular public lands through wilderness. [...]
SGI’s multiple-well drill pad on the Gunnison National Forest. UPDATE: The USFS has withdrawn approval of the well. [...]