The BLM issued the Uncompahgre Field Office Record of Decision and Approved RMP in April 2020. The Conservation Center, along with local partners and the public, had successfully lobbied to have the North Fork Alternative, a citizen alternative, included as an alternative in the draft RMP.
In Summer of 2022, the BLM agreed to amend the UFO RMP to further consider ACECs previously nominated through public scoping and analyzed under Alternative B of the 2019 Uncompahgre Field Office Proposed RMP/Final environmental impact statement (EIS).
In April 2024, the BLM released their Public Scoping Report on the UFO RMP amendment. Next, the BLM will release the UFO draft RMP amendment/EIS, anticipated to be available for public review in winter 2024/2025.
The BLM is required to complete and approve an EIS and RMP amendment by January 2026.
To learn all you need to know about the process, the North Fork Alternative, and everything in between, follow the links below.