Lands with Wilderness Characteristics

By czeller 12 years ago

LWCIn addition to the 66,280 acres of designated Dominguez Canyon Wilderness, in the heart of the National Conservation Area, the BLM updated its inventory of Lands with Wilderness Characteristics (“LWC”) and identified four additional areas within Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area (“DENCA”) that meet the criteria for wilderness. These criteria are detailed in the BLM fact sheet on Lands with Wilderness Characteristics.  You may also be interested in the inventory process report.

The BLM is not required to protect lands with wilderness characteristics.  Alternatives A, C and D of the draft Resource Management Plan do not recognize any LWC units, and thus do not prescribe management for these characteristics.

Alternative B, the “natural process” plan, recognizes all four of the LWCs found in the BLM inventory, totaling 21,816 acres.  Protections for these LWCs include limitations on surface disturbance and restrictions on motorized recreation.  See Alternative B map of LWCs.

Alternative E, the “preferred alternative, recognizes only two of the LWCs found in the BLM inventory, totaling 13,597 acres.  Protections for these LWCs include limitations on surface disturbance and restrictions on motorized recreation.  See Alternative E map of LWCs.

Further Information

For further information on Lands with Wilderness Characteristics and management impacts, consult Chapter 2 of the draft Resource Management Plan.  Additional information can also be found in Chapter 3.2.5, which describes existing conditions, as well as Chapter 4.3.5, which describes impacts on LWCs from proposed management actions.

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