Wild and Scenic Rivers

By czeller 12 years ago

WSRThe National Wild and Scenic Rivers System is designed to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations.  Ten segments on six rivers and creeks in Dominguez-Escalante were found eligible for inclusion into the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.   The Conservation Center, in collaboration with other organizations, submitted a letter of recommendation to the BLM on Wild & Scenic Rivers in Dominguez Escalante, which can be read here.

Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area (“DENCA”) does not current have designated Wild & Scenic Rivers (“WSR”).  As such, Alternative A, the “no action” plan, does not contain any WSRs.

Alternative B, the “natural process” plan, proposes three river segments as suitable for WSR inclusion.  See Alternative B map of WSR.

Alternative C, the “active restoration” plan, proposes 10 river segments as suitable for WSR inclusion.  See Alternative C map of WSR.

Alternative D, the “trails recreation” plan, proposes zero river segments as suitable for WSR inclusion.  See Alternative D map of WSR.

Alternative E, the “preferred alternative”, proposes one river segment as suitable for WSR inclusion.  See Alternative E map of WSR.

Further Information

See the BLM fact sheet on Wild & Scenic Rivers and read more about public input during the Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Process.  Specific information on Wild and Scenic Rivers and management under alternatives can be found in Chapter 2 of the draft Resource Management Plan.  Appendix O describes the suitability analysis.

  River Park
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