Join us on Monday, August 5 at 7pm at the Paradise for a film screening followed by a panel discussion, of visionary Suez Jacobson’s Wild Hope.

Wild Hope tells the story of our deep spiritual connection to the natural world, a connection that has the power to rewire our brains, take us back to our deepest roots, and change how we think and act in a world needing our care.
Using personal story, science, and passion in a unique mix, Wild Hope inspires viewers to protect wild ecosystems against an unrelenting materialistic culture that’s producing social malaise and an uninhabitable planet.
Our economic system fails us, but our tie to the natural world is elemental. Scientific studies document the power of awe produced by nature to humble us, increase our pro-social behavior, and make us healthier. This awe turns our attention away from ourselves and invites us to transcend our day-to-day agendas , to un-self and to care.
Wild Hope challenges the economic underpinnings driving climate change, and awakens us to the possibility of a more meaningful life—a life defined not by consumption, but by compassion.
The time to spread this crucial message is now.
$10 suggested donation
For more info: Click here