BioBlitz at the River Park August 7th & 8th

By czeller 10 years ago


Have a passion for the outdoors, species identification, or your local river? Perhaps all three? If you’re craving an outlet for any of these, then we have good news for you: on August 7th and 8th the Conservation Center is hosting a BioBlitz at the Paonia River Park!

The goal of a BioBlitz is to discover, count, map, and learn about what’s in an area that is effected by and connected to residential life. By combining scientific knowledge with the power of local volunteers we hope to add to the park’s official species list, bring attention to thebiodiversity of the park, and provide a great learning experience for our community.

We’ll start off with a KidzBlitz Friday afternoon: sign up children aged 7-12 to learn about river and water pollution, practice tree identification, and have fun!

Join us Friday from 5:00 to 7:30 pm and Saturday 9:00 to 12:00am for identification free-for-all. On Saturday, from 5:30 to 8:30am, ornithologist Jason Beason will be leading bird identification. Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends and family—kids too!

Take a look at the full schedule:River Park

Friday, August 7th
noon-2:00pm: Kid’s Blitz
5:00-7:30pm: Name that Species!

Saturday, August 8th
5:30-8:30am Birding with Jason Beason
8:30-9:00am: Coffee
9:00-noon: Species Discovery

If you are an expert or amateur naturalist, birder, botanist, entomologist, or just about
anything that ends with “ist,” the BioBlitz needs you! You can help us identify our finds
and share your knowledge about your area of interest and expertise to make each session more rewarding for everyone!

Contact [email protected] to register or with questions!

  Education, River Park
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