At WSCC, we strive to provide our members with accurate, well-researched information. We are intentional about not using alarmist messaging and present information to you along with our analysis so that you can make an informed decision on how you want to engage. With that being said, the BLM [...]
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the largest steward of public land, has launched a 75-day comment period to gather feedback about important ways it should balance its mission to focus on cultural lands protection, conservation, recreation, wildlife, and climate impacts for the lands and waters [...]
The Gunnison Public Lands Initiative The Gunnison Public Lands Initiative (GPLI) is a coalition of stakeholders from ten community groups with interests including ranching, water resources, motorized recreation, conservation, mountain biking, hunting, and angling. In 2019, after years of discussion [...]
Every year, WSCC tracks statewide bills and works to organize our community around advocating for legislation that would improve the western slope of Colorado. It is important to follow and advocate for legislation at the state level, because it can have a lasting impact on our communities locally. [...]