FRAM Exploration, the Norway-based gas and oil company developing the Whitewater Unit in Mesa county, is considering installing 5-6 multiple well well-pads which will serves as exploration for up to 20 more wells. [...]
A proposal by Fram Operating, LLC, to develop up to 108 wells from 12 new well pads over four years beginning in 2012. About one mile of new roads and 27 miles of pipeline would be constructed. The proposal area covers 26,000 acres in Mesa County. Public comment period closed on August 14, 2013. [...]
2,569 acres of BLM land northwest of the City of Delta have been nominated for the August 2013 Oil and Gas Lease Sale. UPDATE: Leases [...]
Encourage Congress to protect our air, water, and spectacular public lands through wilderness. [...]
Approximately 30,000 acres of BLM and private land in the North Fork Valley have been nominated for the August 2012 and February 2013 Oil and Gas Lease Sale. UPDATE: Leases Deferred [...]
SGI’s multiple-well drill pad on the Gunnison National Forest. UPDATE: The USFS has withdrawn approval of the well. [...]
A 20,000 acres proposal near McClure Pass on federal and private surface by SG Interests to drill up to 146 natural gas wells and 4 water disposal wells on 36 new and 5 existing well pads. UPDATE: On January 16 the BLM released the draft Bull Mountain Unit EIS, kicking off a 45 day public comment [...]