Let’s reminisce for a minute. Remember when “Thriller” was a #1 hit? That was 1983. Remember when Sally Ride became the first woman in space? Also 1983. Remember the last time the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forest Plan was revised? You guessed [...]
PAONIA RIVER PARK CLEAN UP DAY POSTPONED UNTIL SATURDAY, 4/21 AT 12PM! Are your rakes, lopers, lawnmowers, string trimmers, and garden gloves begging you to take them out for an afternoon of fun in the sun? Join us at the Paonia River Park on SATURDAY, April 21th at 12pm (NOTE NEW DATE!) to [...]
Delta County is embarking on a multi-year process of inventorying, assessing, and mapping the recreation and public land resources in the county. The goal is for a new Trails Master Plan that can be incorporated into the Delta County Master Plan that is being developed concurrently. This is your [...]
On January 31, 2018, the Bureau of Land Management released Instruction Memorandum (IM) 2018-034, Updating Oil and Gas Leasing Reform – Land Use Planning and Lease Parcel Reviews. This IM states that it is “policy of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to simplify and streamline the [...]
On October 4th, 2017, the BLM published its record of decision on the Bull Mountain Master Development Plan, approving the drilling of 146 natural gas wells and 4 wastewater injection wells in the Muddy Creek drainage above Paonia Reservoir. The Western Slope Conservation Center strongly opposes [...]
Bureau of Land Management Greg Larson, Field Manager, Uncompahgre Field Office Joseph Meyer, District Manager, Southwest District Office Gregory Shoop, Acting State Director, Colorado State Office To Whom it May Concern: Thank you for including the North Fork Alternative in the draft Uncompahgre [...]
The North Fork Watershed is Too Wild To Drill! The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Bears Ears National Monument. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The Greater Grand Canyon Watershed. And, of course…..The North Fork of the Gunnison in Colorado. These are just a few of the [...]
If you are anything like me, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of planning processes, comment periods, and public open house meetings currently underway across the Western Slope. From the US Forest Service and BLM to Delta County to the City of Delta, Master Plans are apparently the hot new [...]
The WSCC and the US Forest Service teamed up to spruce up Lamborn Mountain’s Bell Creek Trail on July 14th. Missed out on the fun? You’re in luck! Join us Saturday, August 5th for a second trail work day at Lost Lake! We’ll meet at 8 AM at the US Forest Service Paonia Ranger [...]