Join the Pickin’ in the Park “Green Team”!

By WSCC 7 years ago

Pitch in for Recycling at Pickin’ in the Park!

Heading to Pickin’ in the Park at Paonia Town Park this August?? Of course you are! Help us keep Paonia Town Park clean and recycle responsibly! WSCC will once again coordinate the recycling efforts at each concert in August (first 4 Thursday evenings).

The responsibilities are light, and in no way hinder your enjoyment of the events. For each concert, we need:
  • A lead volunteer for each night
  • 2 support volunteers for set up (40-45 minutes)
  • 1-2 volunteers during the event
  • 2 volunteers for clean up afterward (usually only takes 30 minutes)
Please sign up here for specific shifts (feel free to sign up for multiple shifts, the job is pretty easy!) Encourage your friends and family to help as well. We will coordinate directly with volunteers after you have signed up.


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