Support WSCC through your Colorado tax refund!

By Karen Tarnow 3 years ago
Logo for Refund Colorado program

If you’re due a state income tax refund, a new program promoted through ReFUND CO gives you the opportunity to use some or all of it to directly support a local nonprofit that matters to you, such as WSCC! All you have to do is:

> Decide how much of your state income tax refund to donate (all or a portion of it).

> Enter Western Slope Conservation Center and our registration number [#20043007351] in the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line on your state tax return or tax software – or just give this info to your tax preparer.

You can learn more details about the program at Last year, Colorado returned more than $1 billion in refunds to 1.9 million state taxpayers. Imagine how much this could support local community causes like ours across Colorado.

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