FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 29th, 2018 Media Contact: Alex Johnson, Western Slope Conservation Center, [email protected] 970-527-5307 Andrew Forkes-Gudmundson, Citizens for a Healthy Community, [email protected] 970-399-9700 BLM Omits Town of Paonia Comment in Environmental [...]
WSCC announces 2nd Summer Trail Work Day Saturday, August 4th at Dark Canyon Trail. WSCC is getting out on the trail! Join us and the U.S. Forest Service for a day of trail work at Dark Canyon Trail. Volunteers and Forest Service staff will be brushing – removing plants encroaching plants [...]
On Sunday July 8th, join WSCC and our friends at Conservation Colorado for the 5th Mike’s Hike of the summer. We will be heading Steven’s Gulch to Elk Park Trail. The trail starts at Overland Reservoir and runs through prime elk winter habitat – lush meadows – until it [...]
The Western Slope Conservation Center is pleased to be participating in both Delta County Working Groups to provide future guidance regarding CAFOs and Oil & Gas land use planning in Delta County. The Working Groups will meet throughout the summer. Delta County CAFO Working Group Announcement [...]
Conservation “Friend”Raisers Across the County April 30 – Needle Rock Brewing Company – Delta, 5-7pm May 8 – 4Bs Brewery – Cedaredge, 5-7pm May 15 – Delicious Orchards – Hotchkiss, 5-7pm Come grab a drink and hang out with Conservation Center staff, [...]
Rural communities across the country are moving beyond reliance on boom-and-bust extractive industries – and toward a more prosperous and sustainable future rooted in their land, history, and way of life. We’re proud of the Western Slope Conservation Center’s role in helping to [...]
Recycle Almost Anything with a Cord or Battery! Have an old TV or computer lying around your house you’ve been wanting to get rid of? Now’s your chance! The Hotchkiss Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual Ewaste Recycling Day on April 21 at the Delta County Fairgrounds in Hotchkiss. [...]
“Water Prospects in a Drought Season” Presented by Delta Conservation District Interested in the current outlook for water in our area and the impacts of a dry year? The Delta Conservation District will host a workshop on “Water Prospects in a Drought Season” with the State [...]
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The Paonia River Park is a community asset for all to enjoy. Located along the North Fork of the Gunnison at the site of a former in-stream gravel mine, the Paonia River Park is the product of nearly 20 years of work, countless volunteer hours, and over $1 Million invested [...]
13. Dark Canyon. Who know’s what’s lurking around the next corner….. 12. Lost Lake. How many poor souls have wandered endlessly, trapped forever in their endless search for the elusive Lost Lake? 11. Deadman’s Gulch. What’s the story behind the name of this [...]