We are excited to share that we are teaming up with The Learning Council and Delta Libraries this winter for a speaker series! The series will feature one speaker a month on a variety of environmental topics, and is free and open to the public.
March 24th, 6:00-7:15pm, Paonia Library: The State of the Cuckoo with Adam Petry, wildlife biologist
What local migratory bird is one of the latest to arrive, one of the fastest to breed, and in danger of becoming endangered in the western U.S.? Hint: This riparian obligate “never hollers until the 4th day of July.” In this presentation, wildlife biologist Adam Petry will address the biology, habitat, and population status of the federally-threatened western yellow-billed cuckoo in Colorado as well as uncover historic and future efforts to survey and monitor the species in the Centennial state.
Past talks:
Climate and Water in the Rocky Mountain Headwaters with Peter Goble, research associate at the Colorado Climate Center
View the recording of Peter’s talk here
In this presentation Peter takes a look at the history of monitoring weather in western Colorado. He discusses what we have learned about our complex and changing climate over time, and where things are headed. The talk will include a weather and water outlook for the coming season, the coming decades, and some information on how you can help us understand Colorado’s climate even better.
For the last five years, Peter has been working at the Colorado Climate Center as a research associate. He specializes in climate variability and drought. Recent projects include developing drought indicators for specific row crops, determining areas of Colorado most suitable for expansion of the wine grape industry, and increasing both observational and modeled soil moisture monitoring efforts in Colorado. Peter lives in Berthoud, and enjoys spending time with his wife and their dog and two cats.
Bat Monitoring on BLM Lands with Emily Latta, BLM Wildlife Biologist
View the recording of Emily’s talk here
Talk synopsis: Why BLM monitors bats, how we monitor bats and some of the preliminary results of these monitoring efforts, as well as conservation threats to bats.
Emily Latta is a Wildlife Biologist with Bureau of Land Management Uncompahgre Field Office in Montrose, Colorado.